General Questions
Obtaining a library card is simple and there are no age restrictions on applying for a library card.
Adults living within the Oglesby Public Library District service area wishing to register for a library card must bring with them one photo ID and a piece of mail that includes their current address with a postmark date or billing date within a month of library card registration. These forms of identification include but are not limited to a driver’s license, utility bills, mail, or voter’s registration card. This same information is required for applying for a library card for a child under the age of 18 by a parent or legal guardian or a non-resident applying for a non-resident card. Provided by the Office of the Illinois Secretary of State's Office, the Illinois Area Service Areas Map is used to assist determination of non-resident eligibility of a library card through the Oglesby Public Library District.
In compliance with PA92-0166, effective January 1, 2003, and the Public Library District Act, 75 ILCS 16.30-55.60, the Board of Trustees of the Oglesby Public Library District provides full library services, including and honoring reciprocal borrowing privileges within the Reaching Across Illinois Library System (Rails). Each June, the Board of Trustees decides whether to continue issuing non-resident library cards for the ensuing 12 months as well as the fee for a one-year non-resident card.
All patron records are kept strictly confidential.
Updated 12/26/2024
Residents living within the jurisdictional boundaries of the Oglesby Public Library District are eligible to receive an Oglesby Public Library card at no cost. Library cards are renewed every three years.
A non-resident is an individual residing beyond the jurisdictional boundaries of the Oglesby Public Library District whose principal residence is closest to Oglesby Public Library District unless due to the commonality of community interest, Oglesby Public Library District may better serve the needs of the non-resident.
As of July 1, 2023, the yearly fee for a non-resident library card from the Oglesby Public Library District is $109. This fee is recalculated every June.
The non-resident fee is waived for:
- Persons under the age of 18.
- A veteran with a documented service-related disability of at least 70%.
- An unmarried surviving spouse of a veteran who previously qualified for the exemption, as well as an unmarried surviving spouse of a service member killed in action.
- A non-resident who, as an individual or partner, principal stockholder, or other joint owner, owns or leases property that is taxed, or is a senior administrative officer of a firm, business, or other corporation owning taxable property within the district.
For more information and details regarding specific eligibility requirements, call 815-883-3619.
Updated 12/26/2024
It is easy to replace a lost library card. Simply show your photo ID with your current address, and you will receive a replacement library card at no cost. Library account numbers change when a replacement card is issued.
Updated 12/26/2024
Yes. The borrower identified on the valid Oglesby Public Library District card may physically take his or her library card to another public library using the PrairieCat circulation system to borrow materials. You may also present a valid card at most libraries in Illinois. If a library is not in the PrairieCat system, that library will most likely review your photo ID and verify your account is in good standing with the Oglesby Public Library District before going through the steps to lend you an item.
Any material checked out on a borrower's card remain the responsibility of the borrower and are subject to all of the fines, rules, and regulations of the lending library. Reciprocal borrowing privileges (requesting books through interlibrary loan to be picked up at that library instead of Oglesby Library) may be limited at the lending library.
Updated 12/26/2024
You may borrow as many items as you would like. The staff of the Oglesby Public Library District reserve the right to limit items checked out when materials are related to an assigned school project that involves more than one student utilizing the same materials.
Updated 12/26/2024
To renew books and other items you may call the library at 815-883-3619 or you may renew online.
To renew online, visit our online catalog and follow these steps:
- Log in to your account by selecting "Log in to My Account” button at the top, right-hand corner.
- Click sign in.
- Enter your library card number and PIN (the last four digits of your library card).
- Once logged in, view the blue tabs at the bottom of the page. Select My Bookshelf.
- Locate the item you want to renew and click the renew button located at the bottom right-hand corner of the screen.
- After the screen refreshes a message indicating the item successfully renewed will appear at the bottom right-hand corner.
- Repeat for any additional items you wish to renew
Why won't my item be renewed?
There are a several reasons why an item won't renew including:
- You have reached the maximum number of renewals allowed for that item.
- Your library card has expired and the system will not allow item to renew or allow holds.
- Your library card has been blocked from activity due to long overdue items or fees greater than $9.99.
- The item you wish to renew has an existing hold waiting to be filled.
Please call the library at 815-883-3619 if you have questions, concerns or any difficulties.
Updated 12/26/2024
Yes! The cost to receive a fax is $0.25 per page and the cost to send a fax is $1.00 per page. The library can only accept cash or check. The fax number at the library is 815-883-3615.
Updated 12/26/2024
Black & White prints or copies are $0.25 per page.
Color prints or copies are $1.00 per page.
The library accepts cash or checks for payments.
The library has free wireless (Wi-Fi) printing capabilities but cannot guarantee users will make a wireless connection. Wireless users are cautioned that Wi-Fi access within the library is a public network. All transactions, files and communications may be vulnerable to unauthorized access and therefore should be considered public and not secure.
Updated 12/26/2024
Free wireless (Wi-Fi) internet access is available. The Wi-Fi is filtered. Wireless users are cautioned that Wi-Fi access within the Library is a public network. All transactions, files, and communications may be vulnerable to unauthorized access and therefore should be considered public and not secure.
There is no guarantee users will be able to make a wireless connection. Users not able to connect to Wi-Fi should seek asistance from the manufacturer or supplier of the personal device. In addition, the Oglesby Public Library District assumes no responsibility for the safety of equipment or laptop configurations, security, virus issues or data files resulting from a connection to the Library's Wi-Fi.
The Oglesby Public Library District's computers are for use primarily by adult and youth patrons of the library on a first come first service basis.
Individuals 18 years and older are not required to have a library card to access a computer. Adults with small children may use the computer with the understanding that the children will be under direct supervision while at the computer.
Youth ages 12 thru 17 must have a valid Oglesby Public Library District library card and a completed Consent for Internet Connected Computer Use by a Minor form signed by the parent or guardian and placed on file with the library before a youth will be allowed to access the public computers without the presence of a parent, guardian or designated caregiver 18 years or older. The library card must be presented when requesting to use a computer.
Children under the age of 12 must be accompanied by a parent, legal guardian, or designated caregiver 18 years or older while at the computer.
For more information, call the library at 815-883-3619 or request a copy of the Oglesby Public Library District's Computer, Internet & Wireless Use, and Internet Safety Policy.